Our Deal with the Devil

Let's be honest, many large banks, including PayPal, are not very 2A friendly. We don't like it as much as you do. But we have to take online payments somehow.

"If you don’t like PayPal, please contact us, we understand and we will sell by check (of course we will make sure it clears first) contact us if you would like to do that.

We also take other forms of payment and our official stance is we report these non-tracked payments to the IRS to “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” and we would like to openly state “taxation is theft” but our attorney says that last part is a bad idea and we should not state that as policy…so it’s not. The “Official Policy” is pay your taxes, but get a good accountant that helps you avoid paying more than you’re required.

Please contact us if you would like to pay another way
